Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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30 onciliation. The school can help students to form the habit of the regular, f ruitful reception of this sacrament, ideally on a monthly basis. Within sec- ond grade sacramental preparation, students will learn to make an examination of conscience based on the ten commandments and the virtues. This practice should be strengthened and developed throughout their studies, as their examination grows deeper and more complex as they mature. The school cooperates with the parish for sacra- mental preparation, particularly in second and third grades. Parent involvement and participa- tion in the sacramental preparation is essential to the renewal of discipleship. The pastor or chaplain provides guidance and oversight on the forma- tion needed to receive the sacraments and may require additional formation to take place within the parish. Attention should also be given to the directives for Restored Order Confirmation given by the Archbishop of Denver and the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries (see www. Second and third grade sacra- mental preparation have been organized in a way ordered toward discipleship and learning personal prayer. Students not yet baptized and who desire to receive the sacraments should enter into the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children in coordina- tion with the parish. The disciple learns how to pray within the commu- nity: "One must also learn how to pray. Through a living transmission (Sacred Tradition) within 'the believing and praying Church,' the Holy Spirit teaches the children of God how to pray" (Cat- echism of the Catholic Church, 2650). Personal prayer and the sacramental life of the school reinforce each other. The sacraments impart God's grace and help the students to enter more deeply

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