Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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29 are encouraged to attend at least twice a week. Music chosen for Mass should reflect the sacred so- lemnity of the liturgy and reflect its prayerful, mys- terious, beautiful, and contemplative nature. The Second Vatican Council made clear, "The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services. But other kinds of sacred music, especially polyphony, are by no means excluded f rom litur- gical celebrations, so long as they accord with the spirit of the liturgical action" (Sacrosanctum Concil- ium, 116). All decisions related to the liturgy should reflect its spiritual reality as a sacred sacrifice and should be made in consultation with the pastor or chaplain. The school community is not sufficient in itself. The celebration of the Eucharist within it is or- dered toward Sunday Mass. As students learn to pray at Mass at school, they are more able to enter it with their families on the Lord's Day. The par- ish completes the gathering of the local church together for the Eucharist and should provide an opportunity for school families to come together for communion with each other and to encoun- ter other families within the parish. The school should provide f requent encouragement to attend Mass every Sunday and on holy days of obligation (including offering a Mass time at which parents could attend for holy days).Through the parish, and the adult formation it offers, school parents should be invited into a deeper practice of their faith, so as to support their children in their life of discipleship. Parents also should have opportunities for disciple - ship retreats and small groups. The regular reception of the Eucharist requires the regular reception of the Sacrament of Rec-

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