Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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31 into God's life, while personal prayer disposes and opens the student up to be able to receive this grace more fully. Every student, no matter the age, should learn to relate to God in prayer, make acts of faith and love, learn to reflect and meditate in si- lence, and learn to speak spontaneously in personal prayer. The school can help students to form the habit of prayer by beginning the day with prayer, beginning each class with prayer, praying the Angelus at noon, having regular time for adoration and the rosary, and making time for personal, silent prayer. The memorization of traditional prayers is an important practice, as well as teaching the meaning of these prayers and how they lead into personal prayer for both the students and their parents. It is important also to learn different ways of praying, such as the liturgy of the hours, lectio divina, intercessory prayer, the holy rosary, medita - tion (including following the Ignatian method that engages the imagination), and contemplation.

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