Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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25 es to the will (our f ree choice) by shaping concrete choices and decisions. Pope Benedict XVI pointed to this integration as the very goal of Catholic education: "Catholic schools should therefore seek to foster that unity between faith, culture and life which is the funda- mental goal of Christian education" ("Address to the Participants in the Convention of the Diocese of Rome," June 11, 2007). For the disciple, actions mat- ter. They form the concrete expression that makes faith come alive and to become real in the stu- dent's life. The disciple will be judged by how his or her life either did or did not conform to Jesus: "And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me'" (Matt 25:40). Jesus gives a clear indicator for how the disciple should find and serve him in the world: by actions that express his love for everyone and especially those in most need. There are some clear ways for disciples to live out the faith in their daily lives. The first is by forming regular habits of prayer, both vocal and relational prayer that extends to meditation and contempla - tion. One can see deep relational prayer in the lives of the saints, and that is the call of every disciple. Second, faith takes on concrete expression in daily life through relationship and common ways of expressing and living faith in a community (more on this will come in section three). Third, disciples engage in regular service, both in the school and parish community as well as the broader commu- nity (including local apostolates like the Samari- tan House, Gabriel House, and Christ in the City, for example). Fourth, the disciple needs constant ref reshment and opportunities for growth, such as regular retreats and also pilgrimages to holy sites (such as the Mother Cabrini Shrine, the Cathedral

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