Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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26 Basilica, including the tomb of Servant of God Julia Greeley, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Denver where Fr. Leo Heinrichs was martyred, the site of World Youth Day with St. John Paull II at Cherry Creek State Park, and the Chapel on the Rock at St. Malo). Fifth, disciples view their lives in terms of service and regularly discern God's will for their primary vocation and for their future career. Finally, the disciple actively engages in the Church's prima - ry mission of evangelization, first by witnessing to the faith in daily life and also by inviting others into a life of discipleship. The formation for discipleship is complete only when disciples begin to form other disciples, con- tinuing the process of growth in others. Disciples can and should become mentors for others. Stu- dents should be able to proclaim the kerygma, as- sist in leading evangelization retreats, give witness to their relationship with the Lord to their peers. If students can already engage in this mission at the school, this should prepare them to continue it in college and their future careers. The lives of the saints provide concrete examples of a fully formed disciple who lives out their mission of serving oth- ers like Christ. The saints form the imagination of students by showing them what holiness looks like and helping to them to discern their own way of following Jesus' call. In summary, schools do not simply teach about dis- cipleship; they draw their students into the life and mission of the disciple. They do so by providing op- portunities for prayer, Christian community, service, vocational discernment, and evangelization. Doing so creates a synthesis of faith and life, leading the student into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the overarching goal of the Catholic school.

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