Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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24 Disciples on Mission The final stage of discipleship entails being sent out to share in the mission of the Church. Jesus sent out his disciples to proclaim the good news, bring people to the sacraments, to teach, and to serve. Mission is the goal of every disciple. Every Christian has a role to play in carrying out the mission of the Church—his or her own way of living out their faith in daily life. No matter one's vocation, state in life, or employment, faith stands at the cen - ter of the disciple's life and guides every action. The disciple, thus, rejects the split between faith and life insisted upon by modern, secular culture. He or she does not see faith as shaping individual or single events, but as something lived out reg- ularly in life. The school serves this third stage of discipleship by providing constant opportunities to encounter, grow, and be on mission in appropriate ways for each stage of education. This formation extends beyond the intellect (although it presup- poses knowledge of God and salvation) and reach-

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