Funds for a new parish hall and church repair
will be raised via a comprehensive capital
campaign. The pastor has made the commit-
ment to have on hand in the form of cash or
pledges all required funds prior to the start
of construction so as to avoid placing the
parish into debt.
The funds required for school repair and
remodel will be raised via a capital campaign
and loans. In addition to the campaign, the
school is in a strong enough financial position
to assume a modest level of debt.
Grateful for the dedication of our community
and looking forward to its continued growth
and commitment, we now wish to test our
ability to conduct a capital campaign to raise
a significant amount of money towards our
needs. We have retained the gratis services
of David Mehr of the Archdiocese of Denver to
assist us in gathering the thoughts and advice
of our community regarding our plan. He has
decades of experience assisting churches,
schools and other ministries of our Church
around the United States so they may meet
their goals and fulfill their missions. A vital
step in the work will be to gather input and
advice from key stakeholders regarding the
timing, leadership and messaging of a potential
capital campaign. Your candid advice will be
critical in shaping our plan of action.
Thank you for sharing
your time and thoughts
as part of this critical
planning process.