Archdiocese of Denver

SVDP Planning Study Discussion Guide

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"We live not in an age of change but in a change of the ages." ("The Aparecida Document" by the bishops of Latin America) As Saint Vincent de Paul Parish nears its Centennial in 2026, we affirm that our beloved parish is called to serve God in an extraordinary period in the history of the Church. The secure Christian culture of our childhood is no more, and in its place stands a new apostolic age filled with opportunities to win souls for Christ. The words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen inspire us, "These are great and wonderful days to be alive ... rally close to the heart of Christ!" We ask Jesus Christ to equip our parish for the urgent work of the evangelization of our city because in Him alone are souls saved and human life made whole. Because fanning the fire of faith, one person at a time, requires genuine holiness of us, we make Acts 2:42 our rallying cry: "They dedicated themselves to the apostle's teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and to prayer." Fidelity to the apostle's teaching will anchor us, fellowship with other Catholics will encourage us, the Holy Mass will sanctify us and prayer will conform us to Christ. - Father John Hilton

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