Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual
Senior Citizen Ministries
Mulroy Center Ministry
he Mulroy Center is a day center for the
elderly, and they provide educational
programs, discussion groups, social, and
physical activities for them. The center is an
advocate for seniors and coordinates their
support networks. The seniors have compan-
ionship and a comfortable place to spend
their day.
A deacon walks with them on this journey
showing Jesus' and the Church's concern
for them by spending time with them. If
they have troubles in their family, have a
question about God or the faith, the deacon
provides a listening ear. These can be group
discussions or one-on-one depending on
the situation. The deacon also leads Com-
munion services and a scripture service with
the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
During special feasts, the seniors ask for a
presentation about the faith or famous saint.
The deacon socializes with the seniors by
playing dominos, poker or calling bingo. This
community is full of surprises and the dea-
con needs to be a good listener and ready
for anything!
Retirement Home Ministry
eacons' ministry includes visiting the
homebound and residents of retirement
facilities to bring them the Eucharist, to give
them comfort, and to provide them with
spiritual guidance as they live out their later
The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the
forefront the spiritual needs of the residents
in these facilities and the need to ensure
deacons have access in order to provide that
comfort and spiritual guidance. A committee
of deacons creates ways to effectively min-
ister during the visit restrictions. The com-
mittee has expanded this pastoral outreach
to also include the families of residents.
The committee will continue to meet post
COVID-19, to provide ideas & resources to
Parish Ministries and to Catholic Schools, so
that the interactions with residents will be
inspiring, faith-filled opportunities.
Deacon Jim Macklin
Deacon Tim Heaton
Deacon Steve Vallero
Deacon Richard Hamilton
Keep watch over yourselves
and over the whole flock of
which the Holy Spirit has
appointed you overseers, in
which you tend the church of
God that he acquired with his
own blood.
Acts 20:28