Archdiocese of Denver
Migrant Worker Ministry
he farmers in Colorado have relied on
migrant farm workers for the last 100
years. For many years migrants would live in
migrant camps during growing/harvesting
season, but due to the housing at the camps
not meeting minimum safety requirements,
many of the migrants now live in separate
housing, such as Catholic Charities Plaza del
Sol and Plaza del Milagro in Greeley. They
also need suitable clothing to work in the
elements and other supplies. Two deacons
began a ministry of collecting clothing and
toiletries at their parishes to support the
workers. The deacons take the items collect-
ed to the workers. They also lead Commu-
nion Services and pray with the workers.
Southeastern European Cultural Outreach
isiting sick and homebound immigrants
from Croatians, Serbians, Slovenians,
Montenegrins, Hungarians, Bosnian, and
Herzegovinians. Bringing the Holy Eucharist
and administering sacraments of Baptisms
as well as a vigil for dead and rosary prayers.
Teaching classes for First Communion and
Confirmation. Organizing monthly Croatian
Mass and gatherings at St Louis in Engle-
wood. Keeping close ties with other Croatian
communities in other Dioceses in the west-
ern USA with larger Croatian populations,
mainly Chicago, San Diego, Houston, Phoe-
nix, Dallas, and Las Vegas.
Deacon Modesto Garcia
Deacon Cesar Perez
Deacon Mladen Martinovic
Family Life Ministry
he apostolate for Family Life addresses
the varied issues and challenges that
Catholics face raising families. The range of
ministry efforts are varied and diverse.
Examples include ministry to support
those suffering from the perinatal loss of a
child, ministering to single parent families
affected by divorce or death of a spouse as
well as collaborating with other family life
related ministries such as Faith in Action and
Fallen Away Catholics. This apostolate pro-
vides prayer, education, and spiritual support
for those devoted to strengthening their
Catholic families. The deacons provide guid-
ance to parishes that offer ministry services
and provide information about designated
programs. They also offer spiritual support to
family life lay leaders and the lay faithful who
attend ministry programs.
Deacon Dave Simonton
Deacon Spencer Thornber
Faith Building
Immigrant Ministries