Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual
Faith in Action Ministry
here are numerous ministries in the Arch-
diocese that are coordinated by deacons
that also are areas the lay faithful can be in-
volved in. Faith in Action attempts to provide
a link from the ministries to the lay faithful so
that they can become involved more fully in
the life of the Body of Christ. Faith in Action
coordinates the diaconal ministries by help-
ing deacons involved in the various ministries
reach out to the lay faithful to provide infor-
mation on how the lay faithful can become
involved. The information includes some of
the activities that have been identified as
well as contact information for follow up.
Single Parent Ministry
his ministry reaches those who find
themselves for any reason raising chil-
dren as a single parent. Based on Jo Holt's
book, "Single and Raising Saints - Forming
Single Parents as They Lead Their Children
to God," this scripture based Lectio Divina
series helps single parents tackle challenges
such as achieving balance, loneliness, finance
and budgeting, parental discipline, and the
dangers associated with pornography and
technology. Led by a single parent lay minis-
ter, participants meet in a group setting once
a week for nine weeks to study scripture,
share and support each other on their par-
enting journey. The deacon attends each ses-
sion to provide spiritual and prayer support.
Single parents from all parishes are invited to
participate in the existing program at Saint
Thomas More parish or parishes may wish to
obtain more information about establishing
their own single parent ministry group.
Marriage Preparation and Enrichment
his ministry is working to develop re-
treats for married couples (Marriage
Enrichment Retreats) and couples who are
engaged to be married (Marriage Prep Re-
treats). The retreats will be open to couples
from all parishes throughout the Archdio-
cese. Additionally, this ministry provides ed-
ucational presentations on marriage-related
Deacon Tom Uschold
Deacon Derrick Johnson
Deacon Dave Simonton
Deacon Tom Piccone