Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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23 SPECIAL EDITION | ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL Is there one of the 12 Apostles who you admire, AND why? I admire the person of St Peter. I had the opportunity to spend a year of my seminary formation doing itin- erancy in the Holy Land. Whenever I had the opportunity, I would go and pray at the place where Christ, after the resurrection, asked him: Do you love me more than these? His experi- ence of denying Christ and experienc- ing mercy is always good news for me. I too experienced a lot of mercy. Which Apostle do you think you know the least about or who would you like to know better? Nathanael. Philip, whose name I also bear, brought him to Christ and I know very little of his history. Why do you think it's important for us to understand the 12 Apostles better? As Archbishop has stressed many times, we are passing from Christen- dom to an Apostolic time. It is as if the parenthesis of Christendom had already come to an end. Now we are living in a time that is similar to that lived by the early Church. In this time, as in the apostles time, we are called to be witnesses of the Resurrection. Not an idea or a concept that we learn and memorize, but a lived experience that Jesus has the power to overcome death in our lives today. What is one apostolic charac- teristic you hope to bring to your ministry as a priest? The zeal and freedom that these men had to go anywhere. To go, guided by the Holy Spirit, without counting the costs, without thinking about what would be more efficient or practical, announcing that Christ is risen, and that death is overcome. Is there one of the 12 Apostles who you admire, AND why? I would say St. John the Beloved. The man who accompanied Jesus to the cross and who rested his head on our Lords heart. It's the whole image of priesthood for me. The place of the priest is resting on the heart of Christ, in order to know that hearts desire for his people! Which Apostle do you think you know the least about or who would you like to know better? I would like to know more about Andrew, the brother of Peter. Specifi- cally because it was him who brought Peter to Jesus yet, it is Peter who is named the "Rock of the Church." There is something beautiful in being simply a humble bridge for the greatness of others. As a priest, I don't want to do great things rather, I want to do things that bring about greatness in others. Why do you think it's important for us to understand the 12 Apostles better? The Apostles where great men, but they were also human and far from perfect. Often times, Catholics believe this lie that they have to be perfect in order for Christ the love them (I know I believe that at times). But it is actually in presenting, and surrendering our weakness and failures to Him, that we are made perfect. I think the Apostles show us this in a beautiful way. "You are made perfect in weakness." What is one apostolic charac- teristic you hope to bring to your ministry as a priest? I want people to experience Christ's personal and unique love for every individual person. I want to preach, celebrate, and live that love for a world in desperate need of it. Most people on this earth feel orphaned and they don't even know why. The apostles preached and taught this, and they even gave up their lives for it. Shouldn't we men about to be ordained be willing to do the same? DEACON FELIPE COLOMBO DEACON SAM MUNSON

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