Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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22 ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL | SPECIAL EDITION Is there one of the 12 Apostles who you admire, AND why? Saint Matthias, the apostle who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. I am impressed by the way Saint Mat- thias was chosen, narrated in the Acts of the Apostles. He was not chosen by the Lord to be his apostle during three years of his ministry, but Saint Matthias accompanied them the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among them, beginning from the baptism of John until the day of the Ascension (Acts 1:21). I like the way Saint Matthias patiently, and maybe silently, followed Jesus and the twelve. Then one day, he was added to the eleven Apostles. Which Apostle do you think you know the least about or who would you like to know better? The Apostle I know the least is Saint James, son of Alphaeus. Why do you think it's important for us to understand the 12 Apostles better? The apostles are those who were close to the Lord and followed him day by day in three years of his ministry on earth. Also, the new Evangelization of the Church requires us to learn from the zeal and the spirit of these apostles in the very early time of the Church. What is one apostolic characteristic you hope to bring to your ministry as a priest? As a priest, I will try to imitate the love of Saint Peter to the Lord after he knew he was forgiven. The love of God would be the motivation for my priestly ministry in the future. Is there one of the 12 Apostles who you admire, AND why? St. Peter because as a fisherman he was imperfect, not very bright, even poor and ignorant, but he was very honest with himself and with his master through his conversations. Additionally, St. Peter possessed a simple and faithful heart that a true disciple of Christ must have in order to follow Him until the end. Every time, when I read St. Peter's conver- sations with Jesus, I am able to see my broken humanity in his words and acts. Seeing myself in those situations helps me to accept my human bro- kenness and reply on the Lord to be strengthened. Which Apostle do you think you know the least about or who would you like to know better? Jude of James is one of the Apostles that I know least about and surely, I would like to deepen my knowl- edge of him, to know him better, and to learn more about him. Why do you think it's important for us to understand the 12 Apostles better? Through the 12 Apostles, faithful Catholics can comprehend that the Lord's desire has been fulfilled and He is always true to His words. For instance, the apostles were imperfect men and not well educated, but Jesus called them to become His living witnesses to all mankind; this is a fulfillment of what Jesus praised the Father for: "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." What is one apostolic charac- teristic you hope to bring to your ministry as a priest? Perseverance is one of the most significant apostolic characteristics that I would like to bring to my min- istry as an ordained minister. The apostles had experienced all the dan- gers, ups and downs, persecutions, and being tested, but they persevered in their ministry and were faithful to their vocation and mission until the end. DEACON PHUỚC JOE BÙI DEACON THANH HUYNH TRAN

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