Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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BARTHOLOMEW Also known as: NATHANIEL Feast Day: AUGUST 24 B artholomew is cited in the Gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke, but not John and he appears at the Ascension and is always in the company of Philip. He answered Philip's call to "come and see" (John 1:46) and he was considered a good man by Jesus who said in the same passage, he is a true Israelite "in whom there is no deceit." He is believed to have experienced a gruesome martyrdom and is often depicted in art with a beard and curly hair at the time of his death. It is said that he was skinned alive and beheaded and therefore is some- times shown with a knife. THOMAS Also known as: DOUBTING THOMAS Feast Day: JULY 3 M any Christians can relate to the apostle Thomas. His important faith lesson upon seeing Christ is risen also depicts many people's faith journeys scattered with questions and doubts. Although Thomas is best known for his cynicism in asking to see Jesus' wounds, the apostle should be known for his beautiful real- ization, "My Lord, and my God." (John 20:28). His story is a reminder for all who have bouts of despair or hopelessness. Thomas reportedly traveled as far as India spreading the gospel. He is sometimes referred to as the twin, but it is unclear if that is because he truly was born a twin or if it is a reference to his faith transformation from doubter to believer. JUDAS Also known as: JUDAS OF ISCARIOT AND JUDAS THE BETRAYER J udas' betrayal is so notorious, his name has become part of sec- ular culture when there is reference to infidelity and treachery. Some gospel writings suggest Judas was possessed by Satan and Matthew reports that he tried to return the pieces of silver he was given to betray Jesus and then committed suicide by hanging (Matthew 27: 1-10). The money, considered blood money, was used to pay for a potter's field to bury foreigners. Not much else is written about Judas in the Bible. His birthplace has been stated to be in Judah, separating him from his fellow apostles who were Galileans. His cau- tionary tale is a great example that even those who could have grace of Christ's friendship upon them, can fall with the humanness of sin. 9 SPECIAL EDITION | ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL

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