Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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37 content-rich materials that engage the rich cultural heritage of the Christian past, using good and great books that ask the big questions using eloquent po- etry and prose. Catholic school curriculum inspires students to ask the most essential questions about that which we study, and a Catholic worldview pur- sues these questions to their richest understanding. Finally, it draws upon beauty not only by teaching the fine arts but also by pointing to natural, artistic, and spiritual beauty in every subject. The Cardinal Newman Society Curriculum Stan- dards offer an important resource for assessing curriculum f rom a Catholic worldview for the areas of English, math, science, and history. 1 The stan- dards are divided between grades K-6 and 7-12 and supplement existing content standards with gen- eral, intellectual, and dispositional ones. The Arch- diocese of Denver has begun incorporating them into our academic content standards, as well as using them in our new four-day Catholic Worldview Seminar, required for all new teachers. This seminar draws upon the four pillars of the Catechism and connects them with the liberal arts and the four major content areas addressed by the Cardinal Newman Society standards. The way we teach, the habits we form, and the worldview we impart through every subject we teach, all form an important approach to support- ing discipleship. Learning, in any subject, and faith are not unrelated. The Catholic faith, by providing the broadest and most comprehensive view of reality, serves as a principle of integration for all subjects, motivation for learning, and for applying the f ruits of study to life. 1 "Curriculum Standards," Cardinal Newman Society, https://

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