Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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36 who is full of Christian wisdom, well prepared in his own subject, does more than convey the sense of what he is teaching to his pupils. Over and above what he says, he guides his pupils beyond his mere words to the heart of total Truth. 40-41 Learning to read and write provides a foundation for communication through the symbols of words, learning how to express ideas, to think logically, and rightly order words in a persuasive and pleasing way. Numbers express quantity and relation and provide a way of understanding the logical order- ing of the universe. The sciences help the mind to enter the mystery and beauty of creation. History brings understanding of human life and our place within the story of human life and civilization. Dis- cipline and respect for the body, gained through physical education and sports, teach respect for our bodies as gifts f rom God that must be cared for and developed. The fine arts foster the imagination and wonder, and help guide the emotions to desire the good, true, and beautiful. Teaching from a Catholic worldview provides the overarching principles for curriculum within a Catholic school. First, it forms dispositions and habits of mind rather than practical outcomes, enabling education to form the person rather than focusing on utilitarian purposes. Second, it offers a direct engagement with reality rather than simply imparting abstract formulas and data, enabling students to be active and involved in the process of learning. Third, it can show a unified vision of life through an interdisciplinary approach that draws connections between the subjects taught. Fourth, it helps students to grasp the relevance of what they are learning, pointing their studies to their ultimate purpose for themselves and others. Fifth, it offers

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