Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual
Diaconate Ministries for the Benefit of the Ordained
Emmaus Spirituality
s the disciples learned so much from
their Savior by sharing their journey with
him on the road to Emmaus and listening to
his insights, so, too, do deacons call upon
Jesus to guide them in time of spiritual and
personal reflection. Allowing themselves
to be vulnerable, they share their lives with
each other. They journey together, humbly
reflecting on struggles, insights, and revela-
tions about personal faith encounters.
The encounter begins with adoration using
Lectio Divina for prayer and reflection, then
sharing the lectio experience and where God
has been with them in ministry and family life,
and struggles with the same – their desert
experiences. Deacons continue to share about
areas of potential growth in life and ministry
("What have I learned about myself today and
what can I work on this next month?"). They
finish the session by soliciting prayer requests
from each deacon until the next meeting. The
session ends by breaking bread together.
Retired Clergy Assistance
riests and deacons should receive respect
and reverence in life and in death. Dea-
cons are very active with helping priests and
deacons with their health care and housing
concerns. This includes visiting with the sick,
helping them relocate, and planning cler-
gy funeral liturgies. Periodic visits to ailing
clerics and scheduling the sacraments are
routine operations. Funeral liturgies are done
with utmost care and in keeping with the
desires of Church teachings. For clergy, it is
very important to have documented funeral
plans, along with family information, to ef-
fectively carry out funeral desires and to help
alleviate concerns should the cleric be in the
hospital and incapacitated.
Deacon Greg Frank
Deacon Rob Rinne
Deacon Mark Wolbach