Archdiocese of Denver
Disaster Recovery Assistance Ministry
hen a local disaster strikes, be it a
natural disaster or one caused by hu-
man error, Catholic Charities responds with
supplies and financial assistance, if available.
The deacons involved in this ministry go to
the scene and assist with the spiritual needs
of the victims, first responders, and others
involved. The team of deacons coordinating
this ministry build and maintain a roster of
deacons able to assist in time of need.
Deacons work with the Red Cross and
Catholic Charities, to create partnerships
with pastors to assign parishes as evacuation
centers during these disasters.
Deacon George Thierjung
303.772.6322 x247
Medical Advisors Ministry
eacons who are medical doctors are
available to clergy with questions re-
garding beginning and end of life issues.
Specifically, these issues may be related to
Natural Family Planning, infertility, or contra-
ception. End of life issues involve advance di-
rectives, hospice and palliative care, ordinary
and extraordinary treatments, pain control,
or withdrawing life support. As experts in
both Catholicism and medicine, the deacons
are available to speak at parishes about be-
ginning and end of life issues and how they
relate to church teachings. With permission
they provide second opinions and provide
information in lay person terms for patients
and their families.
They give referrals as to facilities that
might be best for the patient's situation,
and have, when requested, testified at
Congressional hearings. They provide a loving
and comforting presence.
Deacon John Volk
Deacon Alan Rastrelli
Medical Advisory Ministries