Archdiocese of Denver
R.I.S.E. Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking Assistance Ministry
I.S.E. is an apostolate of the Archdio-
cese dedicated to affirming and work-
ing to uphold the inherent human dignity
of survivors of sexual assault and human
trafficking while advocating for their healing
through education, counseling partnerships,
and training of church leadership for spiritual
accompaniment. We accomplish this with
prayer intercession and with loving service.
With clinical assistance from faith-based
counseling services, healing comes when
victims of assault see who they are as a child
of God. The deacons and volunteers are es-
tablishing a resource network for satisfying
basic living needs of victims emerging from
the trauma of an abusive environment, and
a website to facilitate awareness and com-
munication. They host training seminars to
educate the community on the warning signs
of sexual abuse and human trafficking and
provide awareness resources appropriate for
middle school, high school, and college stu-
dents. They also participate in the hands-on
work of restoring dignity to victims through
self-giving friendship, reflecting the loving
care of Jesus to the injured and marginalized.
Deacon Ernie Martinez
Deacon Mark Leonard