Archdiocese of Denver
Jesus Our Hope Retreat Center
esus Our Hope Retreat Center is nestled
in Jefferson County, 40 minutes south-
west of downtown Denver. At an elevation of
6,800 feet, these consecrated grounds are
situated on 62 acres of rugged woodland
dedicated to God. The St. Francis House
provides sanctuary not only for people of all
faiths, but also for birds and wildlife.
Spacious and supplied with a full kitchen,
four bedrooms (sleeps eight), and a chap-
el with the Blessed Sacrament, it has all the
comforts of a home, without the distractions
of TV and cell phones.
It is an ideal location for overnight/one day
retreats for small church groups, parish staff,
and small organizations that want to meet
God in an uninterrupted setting.
The deacon assists with operations and
maintenance through his role on the Board
of Directors.
Reservations are handled by
The Community of the Beatitudes:
303.697.7539 |
Deacon Bob Hoffman
Men's Spirituality Ministry
urprise! Men and women are different.
Men have their own ways of interact-
ing and growing in their faith. We want
to help men connect with God and other
men. (Proverbs 27:17: "Iron sharpens iron,
….") There are multiple avenues to do that:
retreats, regular programs, one-off programs,
etc. Highly effective for serving men is the
"That Man is You!" model. This involves a
weekly get together, watching a video with
great Catholic content, and doing small
group sharing (6-10 in a group, ideally) with
food optional. Ideally, the deacon lever-
ages his time with a group of volunteers to
run whatever program fits the needs of his
parish. The resources available have mush-
roomed in recent years, and are too numer-
ous to list here, but check out on the web: for one centralized spot with
tons of fantastic free resources. Many great
programs are also now available in Span-
ish including That Man is You! and The Blue
Goose (you can find many more on Heroic- Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the
Eucharist available on is one of
the very best and just one other alternative
as an example.
Retreats like "Welcome" and the annu-
al "Gathering of Men" can also powerfully
energize a man in the faith. All leaders in this
ministry should plan to attend our "Men's
Leadership Summit" on March 4, 2023.
Again, in this small space, we can only cover
so much but the bottom line is we strongly
encourage you to do something for men at
your parish, and please reach out to one of
us for a practical discussion of what's avail-
able to assist you.
Deacon Steve Stemper
Deacon Chet Ubowski