Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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ST. MARY MAGDALENE Also known as: ST. MARY OF MAGDALA Feast Day: JULY 22 A magazine featuring the apostles of our early Church would not be complete without mention of St. Mary Mag- dalene. She has been referred to as "the apostle to the apostles" or even the 13th apostle, but whatever her mon- iker, she is undoubtedly important to the narrative of Christ's ministry and resurrection. She's mentioned at least 12 times in the Gospels and at the most significant moments. "We should acknowledge that in all four Gospels, Christ appears to her first [either alone or in a group] upon His res- urrection," said Senite Sahlezghi, clinical director of Marisol Health therapeutic services, a Catholic Charities division that provides health care for women with unexpected pregnancies. One of the most central parts of Sahlezghi's job is to "walk with" women during their decisions surrounding their pregnancies. In her vocation, she sees a symmetry with Mary of Magdala who "walked with" Christ during his teachings and was even there at the foot of the cross. "Mary went through this profound conversion in her own life. Others may have given up on her, but Christ did not," Sahlezghi said. "In the midst of despair, there is the promise of new life – we are very committed to that here at Marisol." 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. d 11. b 12. d (Continued from page 30) Thank you for taking the apostle quiz. You can find an online version of this quiz to share with your family and friends at ANSWERS 32 ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL | SPECIAL EDITION "Mary's story is a gift to us."

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