Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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14 ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL | SPECIAL EDITION "You see the gospels come alive at St. Bernadette, you see how God is working through people to build up the body of Christ…it pierces my heart," Goldwire said. Just as Jesus served all, the Arch- diocese of Denver is trying to bring Christ to all. For 35 years, the arch- diocese has been caring for and min- istering to people with development disabilities. The Bridge Community is a residential facility that provides stability and compassion to about 6-8 residential women. The community is part of the Office of Special Religious Education and Pastoral Care for Persons with Developmental Disabilities and is operated by Father Roland Freeman. The office teaches catechism to chil- dren and adults who range in abilities. "Our whole philosophy is that we all get to walk with Jesus no matter who we are. We will need compan- ions on that journey and these folks who need assistance have the right to be assisted in the knowledge of who God is," said Sister Mary Catherine, founder of the Bridge Communit y in 1985. The program brings church teach- ings to people at whatever level they can receive it. Some participants can receive it at a fourth-grade level, others never get beyond pictures and stories, Sister Mary Catherine said. The archdiocese is making Jesus available to everyone. "If you ask the parents of any child, 'do you think Jesus wants to be part of your child's life,' of course the answer is 'Yes!'" she said. Our whole philosophy is that we all get to walk with Jesus no matter who we are. We will need companions on that journey and these folks who need assistance have the right to be assisted in the knowledge of who God is."

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