duties of their state in life as husbands, wives,
fathers, mothers? Our programs are rooted
always in the teaching of Holy Mother Church
and our teaching draws not just the mind, but
also the heart, deeper into relationship with
We take it a step further: not only can we
not love what we don't first know, but we can't
share what we don't first love. Which is the
culmination of our formation: to bring the
student not just deeper into relationship with
Christ, but to give the desire and confidence to
testif y to Him, whether by word of mouth or
the simple witness to a silent life transformed
in Christ. That is our mission: to bring the lay
faithful to know, love, and share in the life of
Christ, just as the apostles did. God willing, our
students may one day say, as we read of Saint
Paul in Galatians 2:20, that "it is no longer I
who live, but Christ who lives in me".
The first step towards
being a disciple of Christ
is to know the faith. This
is because we cannot love
what we don't first know".