Archdiocese of Denver

2022_ACA Apostles

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W e don't know when or how Jesus will approach us with his message of forgiveness and love. It might be through a co-worker, or a stranger in line at a grocery store, or your Uber driver. Deacon Marc Nestorick works as an outreach man- ager for Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services at Mount Olivet by day, but on weekends he works as an Uber driver to help support his children's college tui- tion. The job became a bit of a second calling one night three years ago that he remembers well. He picked up a gentleman who appeared quite intoxicated and was swearing a lot on the ride. It turned out to be a long trip, but about half-way through, the man started talking about God. The conversation turned to Mary and the man made the claim that Cath- olics worship Mary. Nestorick explained that this was not true. The man questioned Nestorick's credibility, and Nestorick explained it was because he was Catholic. The two men talked about faith and misconceptions and by the time the man reached his destination, he asked Nestorick to pray for him. Nestorick said he would oblige, but asked, "why don't we pray together?" This conversation that began difficult, became beau- tiful, and it gave Nestorick — a self-described introvert who admits he's as broken as the next guy — the cour- age to continue to take the risk and spread Christ's message. Since that night, Nestorick keeps himself open to make the most of the opportunities God places in his Uber car. He says about half the people don't want to talk while they ride to their destination, but the other half will strike up a conversation. He is respectful but is open to those "God moments." Nestorick said no one has ever been hostile and he has a 4.9 star from nearly 500 ratings. Only once did someone give him a single star. His favorite scripture quote is Philippians 4:13. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." "We're all broken and looking for God to speak to us through someone," Nestorick said. "Sometimes, the person uplifts me and says exactly what I needed to hear." When Christ comes knocking… Or honking? D I SCI P LE O F TH E M O NTH 11 SPECIAL EDITION | ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEAL Thank you, Deacon Marc Nestorick, for being the Archbishop's Catholic Appeal "Disciple of the Month." If you know someone else who is courageously spreading the Gospel, please share their story with us at and they may become the next Disciple of the Month.

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