Archdiocese of Denver

AoD Diaconal Ministries Resource Manual 2021

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Archdiocese of Denver 6 Specific Diaconal Ministries Within the Clergy A dditional support to deacons, outside the Policy Manual include Committees that design assistance tools to help deacons better serve their parishes and programs. These committees include the Master of Ceremony, Liturgical Assistance, Marriage Assistance Advisors, and Tribunal Support. By their ordination, deacons are called to serve at the altar and to assist the Principal Celebrant in his liturgical capacity. This service also includes accomplishing the duties of the Master of Cere- monies or MC. Deacon MCs must be flexible with their time and be leaders within the Diaconal Community. They must be willing to conduct themselves with discipline and certainty so that the Mass is conducted with the reverence and majesty it deserves. Therefore, adequate training for MCs is critical and the ability to take constructive criticism is necessary. To help emphasize the importance of the Deacon in the Mass, a Liturgy Assistance Committee was formed. A deacon from each region is the advisor for their region. These advisors are available to visit and consult with deacons relative to how an archdiocesan Mass is conducted. Each advisor has been specially trained on how to conduct a Mass with the Archbishop or Bishop. As clergy, many deacons have first-hand experience of the pitfalls and graces that are ex- changed in the Sacrament of Marriage. Deacons can provide unique and proven tools that can help engaged couples avoid struggles and failures that can result in a marriage that is not prop- erly prepared. The Marriage Assistance Committee investigates and helps with Marriage Prepa- ration and Sacramental Ceremonies. Deacon Advisors also provide information on critical areas to help tackle difficult subjects that are prominent in our society today. Upon request, deacons provide Tribunal Support and are asked to develop templates and manage canonical issues that are often very difficult for the Church and the individuals concerned. These processes include such things as clerical loss of faculties, or assisting individuals who have been laicized. These are often complex issues within the Church and it is important that the deacon who is assisting during these times is willing to work pastorally in these sensitive areas.

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