Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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21 the Father (Jn 20: 21). The disciples, in turn, were given the mission to form other disciples, bringing them to the true master and teacher to shape and form their lives as well. The mentor, however, must represent Jesus in many ways, giving practical guidance and advice, including standing in as a witness and example of the Christian life. It is of the utmost importance, therefore, for teach- ers to grow in their own life of discipleship so that they can give to their students what they have experienced. For teachers to help students encoun- ter Christ and grow in the Christian life, they too must have regular encounters in prayer and receive support in their own spiritual growth. Although it is true that we learn by teaching (discimus docen- do), the school looks for teachers who are prepared to form disciples and also invites its teachers into an ongoing encounter with Christ, to grow in the Christian life, and to teach and mentor students as part of the school's mission. Teachers spend a large amount of time with students each day and the success of the mission of discipleship will depend upon their ability to communicate the faith and support the Christian life of their students. Teach - ers must serve as mentors of the Christian faith in everything that they do within the school.

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