Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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13 Every student in a Catholic School is first and fore- most called to become a disciple or student of Je- sus Christ. In the first section, the stages of disciple- ship were introduced: 1) choosing to follow Christ, 2) growing in the Christian life through mentorship, and 3) actively engaging in mission. These stages are not once and done, as they require a cyclical process of growth and development. We will now look at these three stages in more detail and how they relate to our students. How to Become a Disciple For most of us, the Christian life begins when we are baptized, shortly after birth. Adult converts, on the other hand, can spend years thinking through questions of faith, talking to family and f riends, and receive a yearlong process of catechesis in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It can be tempting to think that receiving the sacraments of SECTION 2 Forming Student Disciples

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