Office of Catholic Schools

School of the Lord’s Service

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19 through the restored order of Confirmation prepa- ration that now encompasses preparing for Rec- onciliation and First Communion. The goals of these two years include not only learning about the sacraments, they also include introducing relation- al prayer, growing in virtue, developing conscience, and beginning to receive the call to discipleship explicitly. Fourth and fifth grades provide an im- portant opportunity to follow upon the completion of sacramental initiation by making more connec- tions between faith in life, growing in understand- ing, and finding opportunities to embrace the mission given by Confirmation, including praying regularly for the gifts of the Spirit. In middle school, students begin asking more complex questions and are ready to begin thinking theologically by understanding the faith at a deep- er level. Many vocations also begin in middle school as students begin to grow in their life of prayer and understanding of Christian mission. It is also important to start holding retreats and engaging in service outside of the school at this age. High school truly provides a training ground for student-disciples to enter the world, entering into an even more mature understanding, capable of always giving a reason for the hope that is in them (cf. 1 Peter 3:15), making connections between faith and science, discerning vocation, assuming more responsibility for faith and the moral life, overcom - ing issues related to technology and sexuality, and having more retreats and opportunities for service. It is a time for engaging in a process of self-discov- ery and finding life's purpose. Strong peer relation- ships and small groups are even more important for growing as a disciple in high school. At the same time, high school often presents greater challenges requiring the differentiation of where

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